Sealer Storage: Are Yard Tanks for You?

The main factors affecting tank location are ease of delivery of the tank, ease of refill from the supplier, and ease of access for filling your sealer applicator equipment. Like many aspects of running a profitable sealcoating operation, whether or not to have a refillable storage tank in your yard is based on logistics and[…]


The Right Products and Process Extend Pavement Lifespan You manage a variety of services to maintain numerous systems for your properties. Lighting, HVAC, plumbing, and roofing often demand most of your focus because, quite naturally, your customers can’t enjoy their shopping or dining experience if they can’t see or if there are leaks in the[…]

GemSeal’s New Black Diamond – A Cut Above the Rest

GemSeal’s new Black Diamond Sealer and other products provide solutions across America. Everyone loves the look of a freshly sealed parking lot; the color pops and the curb appeal is undeniable, not to mention its numerous protective benefits. At the same time though, the seal coating industry is under pressure. Refined tar sealers – despite[…]

Coal Tar Sealant Ban to Asphalt Contractor in Maryland’s Prince George’s County

Effective July 1, 2015, it is illegal to sell, use or permit the use of coal tar pavement products on property in Prince George’s County (click here to review a copy of CB-6-2015). Contractors or property owners that use a coal tar pavement product are subject to a fine of up to $1,000 per day for each violation.[…]

Changed Empire State of Mind Toward Coal Tar Sealers

I confess I missed it. Last May the nation’s fourth largest state with billions of dollars in pavement assets, in the midst of a statewide legislative debate on coal tar sealers and on the heels of the Tonawanda Coke decision quietly put into place an alternative sealer specification which calls on state agencies to use[…]

Coal-Tar-Based Pavement Seal Coat, Polycyclic AromaticHydrocarbons (PAHs), and Environmental Health

U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2011–3010 February 2011 Coal-Tar-Based Pavement Seal Coat, Polycyclic AromaticHydrocarbons (PAHs), and Environmental Health Key Findings • Dust from pavement with coal-tar-based seal coat has greatly elevated PAH concentrations compared to dust from unsealed pavement.• Coal-tar-based seal coat is the largest source of PAH contamination to 40 urban lakes[…]

Driveway Pavement Sealers Make a Greener Choice

Environmental and health issues with coal tar-based pavement sealers Driveway sealers containing coal tar have been used for decades to protect asphalt driveways and keep them looking “new” or uniformly black. Coal tar-based sealcoat products contain high levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) which can be inhaled or ingested from dust or small particles. PAHs[…]